
GrabCAD Is More Than Just A CAD Library

In an earlier post titled “GrabCAD Will Be More Than Just A CAD Library“, I wrote:

“To put it simply, GrabCAD is a free online CAD library, not very different from other online CAD libraries. But the CAD library is only a first step. Pretty soon, GrabCAD will evolve into an online Engineering marketplace where members will be able to post Engineering projects and other members will be able to bid on them.”

That day has already come. A while ago GrabCAD co-founder Hardi Meybaum posted an article on the GrabCAD blog announcing that the orders have started coming in and they are being executed by GrabCAD members.

If you are a freelancer with CAD skills or open to doing work on the side go ahead and sign up for a free account at GrabCAD. Upload your models and drawings to the GrabCAD library to build up your reputation on the network. If you already have a GrabCAD account update your profile so that others can send you work.

GrabCAD is more than just a CAD library.