Advertise at
The banner slots available for advertisement at are:
- Header (468×60)
- Sidebar Square (125×125)
- Sidebar Tall (120×600)
- Post (468×60)
- Footer (468×60)
All slots except Post appear on each and every page at The Post slot appears only on pages showing a single blog post and is situated at the end of the post and before the comments section.
What do we need?
All we need is an image of the size of the banner slot and the URL that readers will be taken to when they click on the image. If you would like to host the banner image yourself, you can send us the URL of the image and we will link to it. This may be helpful if you would like to change the banner image while the ad is running. For example, you may want the banner to reflect the number of days left for a sale to end or similar.
What will you get?
At the end of the month you will get a report containing:
- The number of times your ad was displayed
- The number of times your ad was clicked
We use the AdRotate WordPress plug-in for rotation and click tracking of banner ads. AdRotate employs well tested methods for preventing click fraud. Only one click is counted per person (IP address) per day. If the same person clicks the same ad again within the next 24 hours, that click is ignored.
Do we support rich media?
It depends. Our ads are basically HTML code that we create to show your banner images. If your ad can be rendered using HTML then we may be able to show it. We also accept JavaScript in the HTML code, but would need to test it with our system before confirming anything. Please send us your HTML/JavaScript code and we will try and make it work.
For rates and more information please send me an email or call me on +91 9225989898.