Bricsys International Conference 2013 – Day 1
I’m in Darmstadt, Germany, attending the Bricsys International Conference 2013 as part of the CAD media. Today is Day 1 and CEO Erik de Keyser kicked off proceedings by taking the stage and set the tone for the two day conference. This slide says it all.
Pic Courtesy: Sander Scheiris (Click to enlarge)
Erik started by taking a jab at Autodesk and Dassault Systemes by saying, “A certain company in California recently reported missing their numbers. Even Dassault Systemes missed their numbers resulting in their stock price crashing. On the other hand, Bricsys is growing double digits“. Erik mentioned that Bricsys was growing physically as well. The company is now present in more than 80 countries. They have 60 localized web sites catering to 90+ languages.
At a very early stage Bricsys realized that the key to its success would be building a robust set of API’s that partners could use to take BricsCAD further. Erik announced that so far there are 900+ applications built on top of the BricsCAD platform using these various API’s. This has undoubtedly increased the adoption of BricsCAD in the CAD marketplace which is probably why the company has been able to grow the way it has.
Erik then gave the stage to CTO Luc de Batseilier who gave us an update on the various BricsCAD API’s. I found this slide particularly interesting.
Bricsys has been adding direct modeling features to BricsCAD and the next logical step is to expose these features to partners so that they can build applications over them.
Luc’s presentation was followed by a host of presentations by partners highlighting their BricsCAD based kamagra hotcanadianpharmacy applications. Among them was a presentation by Neil Peterson, CTO of the Open Design Alliance. He gave us an update on what the organization was up to. He also announced that he would be the new president of the ODA in June 2014 (pending board approval) taking over from Arnold van der Weide.
Neil also spoke about the work the ODA’s dev team was doing with regard to porting Teigha to the cloud. He showed a prototype of a Teigha application running in Firefox. For those who aren’t aware, Teigha is the CAD platform over which BricsCAD is built.
Click to enlarge
As is customary, the second day of the Bricsys International Conference is when all the new stuff in BricsCAD is disclosed to attendees.
I’ve been playing with a beta of BricsCAD V14 for a while now. Variational direct modeling is probably the best thing that has happened to BricsCAD, which is slowly evolving to be a combination of AutoCAD and SpaceClaim.
I’ve been attending the Bricsys International Conference for a few years now and the one thing I love about this event is the after parties. The last item on today’s agenda is “Mathildenhöhe Walking Dinner” and I’m looking forward to it.