Delcam Asian Technical Summit 2011 – Day 2 – Visit To Chi Wo
The second day of the Delcam Asian Technical Summit 2011 started with a visit to Chi Wo, one of Delcam’s customers in the region. Chi Wo builds plastic parts mainly for the consumer, automotive and office equipment industries. They use Pro/ENGINEER for mold design. They also have licenses of CATIA and NX, but are maintained mainly for data exchange purposes. They manufacture more than 1000 molds per year and have 168 molding machines from 50 to 2800 tons. The company boasts of 150 CAD/CAM engineers and more than a 1000 mold makers. Here is a panoramic view of their engineering department.
Chi Wo is still using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 and Delcam PowerMill Pro 10.0. I have proof. 😉
We were given a round of the shop floor.
For a moment I thought this was a table. Maybe they are using it as one. 😉