How To Embed A 3D VIA Model Into A Blog Post
Yesterday I received an email from the 3D VIA team reminding me that I could embed my 3D data into my blog. So I decided to try it out. This is the SolidWorks Rose I modeled a while ago.
[iframe 410 308]
3D VIA gives you the iframe code and asks you to simply paste in into your blog. I am not sure about other blogging platforms, but for WordPress blogs like this one, it’s really not that simple. I needed to find a WordPress plug-in that allowed me to embed an iframe into a blog post. I tried a couple of them but couldn’t get them to work. Finally I came across one called Iframe Embedder which worked for me. If you cannot see the 3D model above after downloading the 3D VIA Player, let me know. In case you need it, the link to the 3D model at my 3D VIA account is here.
This is really cool. I often find screen shots of 3D models embedded into blog posts to be quite limiting and videos to be an over kill when all that I really want to do is let my readers inspect a 3D model. This technology sits nicely in between. I can see myself using more of this stuff in the future.
For those who are interested, the embed code given by 3D VIA was:
<iframe width=”410″ height=”308″ border=”0″ topmargin=”0″ leftmargin=”0″ marginwidth=”0″ marginheight=”0″ SCROLLING=”no” src=”″></iframe>
The Iframe Embedder plug-in only needs the URL, width and height. So in order to embed the 3D model into this blog post I had to add the following iframe tag to the content of this blog post:
[ iframe 410 308]
Note: You will need to remove the space between ‘[‘ and ‘iframe’ at the start of the tag.