ITC Takes Down CADopia Or So It Says
In a press release issued on 20th April 2010, the ITC announced that it obtained a judgment against its former member CADopia for approximately $100,000 for past due fees and legal costs. The ITC also obtained an injunction preventing CADopia from using the ITC source code and trademarks. In an earlier post I mentioned that the CADopia web site was down. I guess that was due to this sentence in the press release “CADopia’s internet service provider has complied with the court order and has deactivated the CADopia web site.”
Apparently, not anymore. I just visited Not only is the web site back up and running with the IntelliCAD trademark splashed all over it, I am also currently downloading an evaluation of CADopia 10, although the file that I am downloading is called and the box shot image still shows CADopia 6. Not sure what is going here. But I intend to find out.