KOMPAS-3D V11 – Part 3
Here are the links to Part 1 and Part 2.
I decided against modeling the engine block and crank shaft as it would be more of the same, apart from being boring. But where else could I put a piston and connecting rod to use, if not in an engine? If you saw the animation movie “Cars” by Pixar, you may remember that the entire story was about winning something called the Piston Cup, which looks something like this.
So all I needed was a wing and a base and I could have my very own Piston Cup modeled in KOMPAS-3D. Here is the wing.
All those lovely fillets and the modeling kernel didn’t complain one bit. I created a base by revolving a profile and placed the trophy on it.
I created the two bolts on top of the base by modeling the base “in place”. For the benefit of 2D users reading this, the term “in place” in this case implies that I modeled the base as a new part without the two bolts. Later I brought the base into the assembly and projected the cylindrical holes of the end cap onto the top surface of the base to get two circles. I then extruded these circles to accurately get the required bolts. This technique is commonly used when modeling assemblies since you do not need to go back and measure the geometry of the related part every time.
For those who are interested the KOMPAS-3D V11 part and assembly files of the Piston Cup along with Parasolid and ACIS files can be downloaded from here.