
NURBS Model Of Porsche 911 GT3 Wanted

Ever since I announced the Deelip.com Rendering Context a couple of days ago, I have been getting emails and comments from a bunch of people about the lack of a NURBS model of the Porsche 911 GT3 to be rendered. The model I supplied is a mesh model in OBJ format which any rendering software should be able to import. But many of my readers don’t have dedicated rendering software and use the rendering features of their MCAD systems instead to do their rendering.

Some readers have even tried using SYCODE’s OBJ import plug-ins to try and import the OBJ file into systems like SolidWorks, Solid Edge and Inventor. The thing is the GT3 mesh is way too large for these systems to handle. I mean, since the OBJ mesh is already tessellated, the MCAD software will need to create a single planar trimmed surface for each triangle in the mesh and then stitch them all together to create a solid. This may work for small models, but not something as large as this detailed GT3 mesh. Each surface in the original NURBS model is now defined by hundreds of triangular faces in the mesh. And even if you did manage to get our OBJ import plug-ins to import the OBJ file into something like SolidWorks, the solid created will be made up of triangular faces and the render would come out bad anyways.

So here is a request for a NURBS model of a Porsche 911 GT3. It does not need to be accurate. An approximate model will do just fine. Maybe someone did some surfacing work as a tutorial or something like that. If any of you have such a model and are able to share it, please contact me at deelip (at) sycode (dot) com or leave a comment.

It would be nice to be able to extend the rendering contest to people without a dedicated rendering software product. After all they are the ones who would be benefited the most since the prizes of the rendering contest are licenses of KeyShot, a dedicated rendering product.