Disqus Comments
This is a test post to try out the new Disqus comment system that I just installed on this blog.
Actually I planned on deleting this post after I completed my testing. But I think I will keep it.
Disqus adds a lot of cool stuff to your blog’s commenting system. In fact, Disqus is a commenting system all by itself.
The one thing that I liked instantly was the ability to reply to a comment by email. When on the road, with nothing else to do, I check my email on my iPAQ. I get notification emails for comments just posted to my blog but need to actually visit my blog in a browser to be able to comment back. Somehow logging into my blog on my iPAQ freezes up, especially when there are images in the post. Now with Disqus I can simply reply to the comment notification email and my reply gets posted to the blog as a comment. Pretty cool.
I can even delete a comment by simply replying with the word “Delete” in the body.