Dassault Systemes Launches DraftSight For DWG CAD Users
In a press release issued today Dassault Systemes announced the launch of DraftSight.com, “an open, online community accessible through DraftSight.com, aimed at providing all computer-aided design (CAD) users access to new services and products to unlock valuable data stored in billions of DWG files.” As of this writing the DraftSight web site does not appear to have gone live as yet.
But a new product has been added to the Dassault Systemes web site called DraftSight, “a free, professional-grade 2D CAD product delivered using an open business mode.” The product is in currently in public beta and is available for download.
I am downloading DraftSight now. But judging from the rumors that have been doing the rounds in the CAD editor’s circle I think I already have a pretty good idea of what it is. Watch this space.