Italian Court Says Versata Does Not Own Think3 Intellectual Property
The court appointed trustee of Think3 Dr. Andrea Ferri sent this email out to all Think3 customers:
Dear Customers,
On July 20 2011 the Court of Bologna (Italy) has confirmed Think3 as the only owner of intellectual property rights, definitely denying Versata appeal against the termination of Technology License Agreement entered into and between Think3 Inc. and Versata FZ-LLC on October 7 2010.
Therefore, Think3 is the only owner of the intellectual property rights of the software (ThinkDesign, Thinkteam, TD PLM etc…) and it is not permitted in any way the use of this software without the required authorization of dott. Andrea Ferri through legal sales by Authorised Think3 VARs
You can see the complete Court official records at this link.
Best regards,
Dott. Andrea Ferri
And this is what the About Box of the ThinkDesign 2011.5 software running on my computer looks like.
The thing I found odd about Versata’s ThinkDesign 2011.5 release is that the documentation appears to be hopelessly outdated. The latest release notes talk about version 2010.2 and the docs themselves claim to be last updated on 5th October 2010.
I think Versata’s DevFactory needs some people that can update documentation.