

This post is a summary of the five part series on KOMPAS-3D V11. Given below are links to each part with a brief description.

Part 1: I got myself familiar with the user interface and did some basic part modeling to create a piston.

Part 2: I created a piston pin, connecting rod and end cap and assembled them together with the piston.

Part 3: I got a bit bored of modeling engine parts and instead created my very own Piston Cup.

Part 4: I tried to do some surfacing but ended up a bit frustrated. I hope to one day revisit surfacing in KOMPAS-3D.

Part 5: I did some elementary sheet metal modeling to cook up probably the world’s first die in sheet metal.

There is a whole lot more in KOMPAS-3D. I have only scratched the surface. Apart from my not-so-good experience with surfacing, I believe the software is quite intuitive and easy to use. If you are a 2D user moving to 3D, you will find the tutorials extremely useful. And talking about 2D, KOMPAS-3D also comes with a full blown 2D drafting system called KOMPAS Graphic, that I haven’t even mentioned in this series.

As far as getting support, I suggest that you check how much your reseller will be of use in that department. I say this because the English User Forum is barely alive. However, the Russian User Forum appears to be doing fine. Of course, you can get technical support directly from ASCON.

In summary, KOMPAS-3D is very much like any other history based parametric modeling system. Here I am referring to the general flow of modeling operations, not details of its individual features. If you have some experience in any history based parametric modeler you will be able to pick up KOMPAS-3D without much trouble.

You can download a trial of their English/German version from their web site. They also offer a free Light version as well as a free Viewer.

Disclosure: ASCON sent me a Not For Resale license of KOMPAS-3D V11, which is actually related me exploring the the possibility of developing plug-ins for KOMPAS-3D. ASCON didn’t ask me to write this series. But that didn’t stop me from doing so 😉