News Alert – Inventor Fusion Technology Preview 3 Released
Scott Sheppard of Autodesk just announced on his blog that the third Technology Preview of Inventor Fusion has just been released. The good thing is that it is available all over the world and the subscription version of Inventor is not required for the Change Manager add-in to work. I never really could understand the availability limitation. Previously I used to enter USA for my country when filling up the download form and the download used to begin. I would do anything to get my hands on that technology, lying being the least. 😉
Anyways, you can download Inventor Fusion Technology Preview 3 from here. I am not going to even try because, at the moment, I am languishing at the Mumbai airport and accessing the internet using my BlackBerry as a dialup modem. I am waiting for my flight to Portland, Oregon, where Autodesk is holding their annual Autodesk Manufacturing Tech Day, or what some editors call, the Inventor Press Event.
I guess the release of the third technology preview of Fusion has been timed for the event, which means that we will most probably be shown a lot of this technology in action. I have Inventor 2011 installed on my Dell Insipron Mini 10v netbook that I use for traveling. But I think I will need to get back home to actually play around with this technology preview on my workstation. Problem is I am returning only after two weeks after paying a visit to Alibre in Richardson, Texas, and attending COFES 2010 in Scottsdale, Arizona.