Novosibirsk – Part 2
<< Part 1
Martyn and I just returned from an absolutely wild dinner with a bunch of LEDAS folks at an absolutely amazing Armenian restaurant. The food was absolutely out of this world. We lost count of how many Armenian vodkas we downed. We had them in increasing levels of concentrations: 40%, 46%, 51% and finally 57%.
To get an idea of exactly how wild the evening take a look at these pictures. Click the images for larger views.
This was how it started. Very quietly and decently.
Martyn pouring himself an Armenian vodka
Martyn downing an Armenian vodka
Martyn playing to Armenian music after drinking Armenian vodka
Yes, that’s Martyn’s iPhone sitting next to Armenian vodka and tasting the Armenian salad
This is Eugene Kuznetsov, The Chief Financial Officer of LEDAS, teaching Martyn how to eat this particular Armenian delicacy. Eugene was born in Armenia and spent his childhood there.
Eugene setting his vodka on fire before gulping it down. Martyn and I couldn’t find the guts to do that.
To say that we had a blast would be an understatement. Tomorrow I leave for the US to attend Spatial’s 3D Insider’s Summit.
Part 3 >>