
The World According To SpaceClaim

Yesterday SpaceClaim released SpaceClaim 2012+, its tenth release. SpaceClaim’s co-founder Blake Courter, who also happens to be a good friend of mine, spent some time with me giving me the new release briefing. Blake’s official title is Director, Customer Development, and he spoke at length about the new features of SpaceClaim 2012+. You can read all about the new features here.

Blake spent a significant portion of his time explaining to me how SpaceClaim viewed things differently than other CAD software vendors. He started with this quote from the SpaceClaim CEO, Chris Randles.

He then proceeded to show me this slide.

Blake claims that CAD vendors think that they live in a CAD centric world. That every thing revolves around CAD. SpaceClaim disagrees. “I have never come across a VP of CAD“, Blake said to me. “However, I do meet VP’s of Engineering and Manufacturing all the time. For them CAD is bad news. It is something that they need to get through to get parts out of the door.” His next three slides were meant to put this message across.



I guess Blake was trying to say that he wasn’t interested in merely selling a CAD system to a bunch of people. Blake is a former employee of PTC and a very strong and outspoken critic of its Creo rebranding and repackaging initiative. I sensed sadistic pleasure when he showed me this slide. 😉

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Every year SpaceClaim conducts a survey of its customers. Apparently SpaceClaim the used the most in concept modeling, followed by data translation, general purpose CAD and model preparation.

Here is a slide I found particularly interesting.

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This one gives us an idea from where SpaceClaim got its customers.

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SpaceClaim is positioning its product as the shortest and easiest way to get from point A to point B. To essentially get the CAD stuff done with so that people can spend their time doing the real thing.