Delcam Announces ArtCAM Express For $149
UK CAD/CAM software developer Delcam has announced an entry level version of ArtCAM called ArtCAM Express for $149 (GBP 99, EUR 125). ArtCAM is Delcam’s CAD/CAM offering for woodworking, routing, sign making, metal cutting and engraving. This easy to use product requires little to no knowledge of machining. According to the press release ArtCAM Express comes with 2D and 2D/3D standard machining functions and is available for 32 bit and 64 bit as well.
ArtCAM Express can be extended as required by purchasing additional modules as and when your business needs them. Some of the modules are vector tools, font creation, advanced 2D machining, nesting, feature machining, raised round engraving, file import, etc.
One of the cool things you can do with ArtCAM Express is imprint/emboss an image to a 3D model, which by the way is something that our MeshCAD for Rhino also does. Here is my caricature in greyscale.
Like MeshCAD for Rhino, ArtCAM uses the greyscale image as a heightfield and creates a surface from the image.
The full version of ArtCAM you can use a built in Wizard to get from this…
… to this.
You can download ArtCAM Express from